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Politeknik STTT Bandung had managed to organize the SMARTEX Final Conference at July 4th, 2023. It is the culmination of the 3 years SMARTEX Project from ERASMUS+. Almost all the partners delegates attended the event with invited guests consisting of industries and academics in Textile.

The SMARTEX project is a collaboration with universities providing education in textile technology and textile engineering in Europe and Asia. It is a beneficial and mutual international cooperation for the development and internationalization of educational programs of each partner.

Ioannis Chronis giving remarks speaking on behalf of Prof. Georgios Priniotakis from University of West Attica as the SMARTEX Project Coordinator.

Ibu Tina Martina AT MSi as the Director of Politeknik STTT Bandung giving her welcoming speech in the opening of the Final Conference.

Ibu Ida Nuramdhani as the P7 Politeknik STTT Bandung Project Manager is presenting the project final report.

Invited speaker (Bapak Moh. Widodo) is giving his talk at the SMARTEX Final Conference Plenary Session.

Bapak Hardianto is giving opening statements as the MC for the Plenary Session of the Final Conference.

Director of Politeknik STTT Bandung, Vice Director 1 and P7 Project Manager are giving souvenirs to the Malaysian delegates.

Bapak Mohamad Widodo accepting souvenirs from NED University Pakistan delegates.

SMARTEX partners and guests at the Final Conference

All guests and partners having their picture taken together at the social function event after the Final Conference.



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