Welcome from the Head of the Textile Engineering Major
Ida Nuramdhani, S.Si.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Welcome to the Major of Textile Chemistry
Textile Chemistry is a specialized field in the branch of applied chemistry that applies basic chemical principles to study various phenomena in textiles and textile materials, whether in the form of fibers, yarns, fabrics, clothing, to other non-clothing materials, through various functional and aesthetic modifications. so that it has a usability with the desired properties. “Chemistry for Textiles” not only describes the relationship between chemical processes in textile production technology, but also represents chemistry or bonding, namely bonding, between the multi-components in it (lecturers, students, education staff, alumni, industry, and others). mutually reinforcing through dynamic energy transfer. “Exciting textile innovations through textile chemistry” – as the first Textile Chemistry Major since the birth of the forerunner of textile education institutions in Indonesia in 1922, the Textile Chemistry Major will always be a pioneer and never stop excited about innovation in the textile chemistry field through education, research, and development activities. community service and cooperation at national and international levels.
Textile chemistry is a field of applied chemistry. Graduates of the textile chemistry major are prepared to have knowledge and technical skills regarding textile refinement processes in order to improve the function and aesthetic value of fibers, yarns, fabrics, and other textile products by applying the concepts of chemistry.
This study program has existed since the Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology was established with the Decree of the Minister of the Economy dated July 17, 1954. Graduates of the Textile Chemistry Study Program will obtain a Bachelor of Science degree
Several process technologies that are the core of education in this department include fiber making, dyeing, finishing, printing, and fabric surface design. Students in the Textile Chemistry Study Program are more in contact with the wet process of textiles. They are prepared not only to understand the process but also to be able to analyze such as if there is a failure in the case of dyeing. Likewise with the processing of waste generated from chemical processes to be environmentally friendly.
The Textile Chemistry study program in 2019 has received an A accreditation, according to the decision of BAN PT RI 4805/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/ST/XII/2019.
Estabalizing the Textile Chemistry Study Program a reference and information center in organizing and developing education and training in the field of textile chemistry expertise as well as in handling problems related to the operations and development of the textile and textile product industry and its supporting industries.
Educate students to become textile experts according to their needs, implement applicable research as well as science in order to help solve problems or develop the textile industry.
Graduates of the Textile Chemistry Study Program have knowledge and skills in carrying out textile manufacturing processes within the scope of textile chemistry, are able to develop textile chemical process technology, understand and are able to handle machine operations and production systems, textile quality and evaluation techniques including fibers, yarns and fabrics. Graduates have the skills to design textile chemical processes, evaluate and control product quality in the context of managing textile production units. In addition, graduates also have the ability to solve engineering problems in the textile industry.
Graduates of the Textile Chemistry Study Program can work in the textile industry of dyeing, printing and fabric improvement in the production, care and maintenance, research and development, production planning and control, as well as quality control. In addition, graduates can also work in the nonwoven industry, the dyestuff industry and textile auxiliary substances, technical sales and marketing at companies of dyestuffs and textile auxiliary substances as well as machines for textile chemical processes, as well as technicians at service providers. testing for certification. The initial position or position of graduates (within three years from graduation) is technician and equivalent to supervisor or lower middle management