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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Welcome to the official website of the Textile Engineering Study Program at Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology.

Textile Engineering Study Program is one of the majors at Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology which organizes lectures covering the process of Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Textile Evaluation and others that support science about textile technology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Textile Engineering Study Program held distance lectures for theoretical subjects, while we will conduct practical courses face-to-face if the pandemic conditions become better. Therefore, let’s pray that we can all go through it safely and always in good health so that we can hold lectures normally like before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Practical lectures that will be held face-to-face after the Covid-19 pandemic ends, of course, will not be 100% the same as practicum conditions before the pandemic. This new condition is known as the new normal. Of course, in this new-normal situation, there will be different conditions that we must prepare to anticipate the Covid-19 pandemic increasing again. For this reason, we, the Textile Engineering Study Program, have made several preparations in practicum laboratory facilities such as sterilizing the room and tools or practicum machines by spraying disinfectants, preparing practical procedures that follow health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19, and providing facilities wash hands and personal protective equipment tailored to the needs of the practicum.

We invite all the Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology Academic Community, especially students and visitors to this website, to always comply with all the Covid-19 Prevention Protocols for the safety of ourselves and our families. Always use a mask when leaving the house, when going to campus, during activities on campus, and when returning to your residence. Follow the Physical Distancing protocol by maintaining a minimum distance of 2 meters, diligently washing and cleaning hands, and not gathering or crowding in large numbers. Sunbathe at the time recommended by the Minister of Health to boost your immune system.

Hopefully we are all always in good condition and always healthy so that we can get through this pandemic and can return to normal conditions as before. Amen.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

(Roni Sahroni, S.Si.T., MT., MBA.)

Head of the Textile Engineering Major

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